The project is nearly complete! I’ve been really taking my time to ensure that the project is the best it possibly can be, and it’s been really great writing it!
The storyline has, of course, already been developed, but it’s making sure every detail works to enhance the story. I’m not a big fan of filler, nor unnecessary information (slightly different from filler). If it doesn’t enhance the story, I simply leave it out. With a limit to how many words I can use, this also creates a situation where filler cannot be afforded.
At the same time, I am also working on bringing another project in the spotlight in order to have it finished right on the heals of Wynx. The project? Nature One (tentative title). Another fantasy, Nature One is being outlined at the moment, but I have scheduled some time to begin the story at the same time as Wynx is finished.
As I mentioned in a previous entry, I intend to publish numerous books every year, beyond the average author’s one per year. Some will be novellas, some will even be full-length novels. Either way, I want my fans to be able to finish one book and be able to pick up another.
And every single one of these and future works will be made available on Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook devices for all of those with ebook readers and ebook apps on Android and iPhone.
In the meantime, Facebook users keep an eye on the Fan Page. Twitter users follow me, and Google+ users be sure to circle me, to receive updates on these and also future projects, as well as various additions and enhancements to the website. You can also, of course, subscribe to the Official RSS Feed.
Until next time!