Thinking and Rethinking … I Need Coffee

Some of you may have been wondering what I’ve been up to for the past month or two. Some of you haven’t. Either way, I think I’m going to write this entry.

Most of my time has been spent on It has been a wonderful experience writing for the tech blog, and I’m definitely looking forward to continuing.

I heartily invite all of you to like the page on Facebook:

Aside from TruTower, I’ve been working on a short story here, a poem there, but nothing new to report on the publication side. It’s not that I’ve stopped writing, I promise. Far from it. I’m still working on Wynx, I’m still moving forward with my untitled book series, and I’m still writing short stories and poems. I expect to resume publishing again this summer.

Rethinking is being done regarding the website. A redesign. Possibly some new features. Expect to hear more by June.

Until then, thanks for being patient! I look forward to the future progress!

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